Here's what I think about it!

This blog site is a virtual upchuck of misc. stuff. Poetry, what I'm thinking about and what you think about it. It's new, but enjoy all the same.

Friday, June 30, 2006

You Decide!

OK... I know this may sound pathetic, but as much I love to talk, and have billions of things to comment on, I cannot for the life of me think of what to blog on. I am not like some of you lucky people that can come home from work and start writing creative, hillarious at times, blogs on what exciting things happened at work that day because, other than out-right sucking, my day isn't usually worth blogging about.

I go to all of the best blog sites from, as far as I am concerned. I feel like I know many of you well. That's cool. I used to hang in chat rooms. A few were very popular and I became known to hundreds of people around the world. That was cool. For some reason, I cannot fathom my daily life being of interest, because most of my life is work and me sitting here at home alone. (And no...I'm not trying to play a sympathy card...I hate that stuff, I choose to be alone for now).

I am a 36 year old straight male who has either experienced or seen through friends, almost every emotion, drama, crisis, trauma, sliced, diced and minced-a-rama. And you'd be crazy to think I am bragging by admitting that. I'm a Libra..which at times sucks (look in the archives). I love women, yet in the past several years have grown bitter on some issues. I'm sure one or two enquiring minds may want to know, but I'm not ready to break that post out yet. So here's my problem. I feed on inspiration. There are times that no matter what I try, I need questions....Just one.

So here's what I'd like to try, from the few that I get responses from. Pick a topic! You decide what you want to hear about, because like me and my ex-gf after a long, multisession night of lovin, I'm stuck!


Blogger Fionnix said...

Well, I'd like detail on getting stuck in your ex-girlfriend-- for one.

Tell us what you do on your day's off-- when chores aren't eating you alive.

Tell us a secret.

Tell us what motivates you to get up every morning and not jump off a cliff.

Have you ever thought about jumping off a cliff?

8:39 PM  
Blogger CP said...

Well..on getting's all about friction.

On my days off, I get what little food I need for the weekend and straighten up a bit around the homestead.

Secret - I love guilty pleasure music and plan to listen to it tonight.

What motivates me is hoping that there's a new challenge, and knowing that I will learn from it, giving me more of a reason not to jump off that cliff that...

I have considered, but turned back from when I saw that she wasn't worth it.

9:04 PM  
Blogger GrizzBabe said...

You know, turning the mundane events of life into an interesting blog post is an art form. You are a funny guy with a unique point of view. I bet you could pull this off no problem. Hell, raising a teenage daughter is a source of a lifetime of anecdotes right there.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Slim said...

Try the question from my super cool book: With whom would you like to reconnect?

Here's a couple more:

What exactly are you bitter about (where women are involved)?

Are you a cat person or a dog person, and why.

Write a story that goes with the drawing in my post...your comment was great, elaborate on it!

Sit in a park and watch people go by, wait until one catches your eye, and then write a story about him/her.

The funny thing is, I frequently have a difficult time with writing material. Making suggestions is easier that the execution of said ideas. Good luck with it!

8:46 PM  
Blogger Tiffanie said...

Tell us "what you think about it" since that is the name of your blog ;)

Not much help there, huh. Okay, sorry.

9:49 AM  

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