About that previous "Maybe" post....
The previous post was actually written in response to something I saw on another blog. I often step outside of myself and do some third party writing by putting myself in someone else's shoes, or for a better word, mind.
It's kind of a weird thing, and has been frightening at times, but it started when I learned that I had an ability as a child to be so engrossed in music that I was listening to that I started to hear subtleties that were in the arrangements. While not taking that very seriously, it grew from being engrossed to entranced. Somewhat being a medium enslaved to the music. That graduated to an intense 10 minute trance that I had in college (partially induced by copious amounts of THC).
So then it went to writing. I’ve written several things that I had no idea what I was writing about until it was complete. Again, it’s like being a medium of sorts. I’ve had a few that were brought on by what I believe are spirits trying to tell their story. Sounds creepy, but I don’t mind it. I’ve only written a few that I looked back and thought. “Damn, that’s some twisted stuff”. It’s a good release sometimes and gives me some insight into other peoples lives and to be honest, has made me a more understanding person.
So, the next time I post something that I wrote, but was written 3rd party, I’ll be sure and state that.
most of my best pictures or my best writing or my best dancing (I am artsy) was done when I was not thinking and it just came out of nowhere.
Maybe it is just a divine inspiration?
There is another maybe for you
Getting everything planned out and outlined ahead doesn't help creating a good plot, hence story. And the thing you do is not creepy, it's more like writing for fun.
I empathize with how you hear music.... I listen so intently and get into it, when other people are trying to talk over it. I sing all of the time to satisfy this, well I can't sing well so I put on headphones turn the music up real loud, all to avoid being able to hear myself singing. Never the less, I really enjoy myself.
p.s. you've been linked
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