Here's what I think about it!

This blog site is a virtual upchuck of misc. stuff. Poetry, what I'm thinking about and what you think about it. It's new, but enjoy all the same.

Friday, July 28, 2006

A Dark Place!


Who cares about when...let's just say that it was.

What had built up for months, maybe even years, presented itself in one small day.

Cold, Heavy, Feirce, Dark, Full!

The build, the assistance, the try, the might, the will, the cry, the feel, the fall, the will to try to fall again, the pull against the grain, the will, the try, the might, the I will...the I did again.

The knowledge that if things seem dark one had to acknowlege the light.

**** This is one of those 3rd party writing things that I do from time to time. If you don't know what I mean go back two posts and read "About that previous "Maybe" post.... " ****


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call it the Abyss. Inside it's cold, dank and lonely. But I find that no matter how deep I've sunk into my Abyss, I can still tilt my head back and see a bead of daylight. That little ray of hope that yes I will crawl out of this pit and curl up on a rock to enjoy the sunshine for as long as I can, as much as I can.

10:36 AM  
Blogger Rachel Heather said...

My grandpa once sad that even the smallest candle can illuminate a dark room.

When I get into that dark place I just try to find something, even if it is tinym like a good song to bring me a little closer to the light. If I keep doing that, eventually, I crawl out of my hole.

12:33 PM  
Blogger Becky said...

Things that make you go hmmmmmm...

9:48 AM  
Blogger Becky said...

Are you a schitzo!? Nothing wrong with that just asking.... ;-)

6:06 AM  
Blogger CP said...

No Becky. The link in the post refers to another post about how I write in 3rd party at times. It's not so much an extension of me, more than it is an extension of someone else. I know that no other statement could sound any more Pschyzo than that. But it's true.

In fact, even though what smarts I have barely came from school, I like to think that I'm a pretty sane dude. I have an education in life that I feel priveledged and cursed to possess all at the same time. While it helps to be able to read people, it kinda sucks because I don't always like what I see, and it gets quite frustrating.

Not trying to get all metaphysical here, but let's just say that along time ago, I opened myself up to be used as an instrument thru which others can communicate. Whoever it is that these things have really happened to, I feel for them.

Now....had I not have done drugs for the time that I did, and the same life adventures had taken place...then I'd probably already be locked up by now.

Thanks for asking Becky, but I'm more of a multi-faceted goof ball than a pschyzo. And so am I.


5:41 PM  
Blogger shpprgrl said...

Are you ok?

Should we send a virtual search party out for you?


7:12 PM  
Blogger CP said...

I'm here. Perhaps been a bit melancholy. No big deal. I'll get over it. I always do. Perhaps I'll post something from my past writings just to stay afloat until I feel like covering the issues.


5:59 PM  

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