Old Friends!
I recently have come back in touch with some old friends from college. We've met up through the years (not often enough) but it has been around 5 or 6 years since the last Pow Wow. I'm looking forward to hanging out with them again, if only for a weekend.
College was such a big part of my life because I studied and learned so much. Not in school, but in Life. I've often wondered what I would be like if I had not attended that school at that time. What would be different? Would I have learned as much? Could I have gone farther from having a better education than what I had (which wasn't much)?
I realize that schoolastically, I could have excelled in some other area, but honestly...what I learned in those years cannot be replaced by book knowledge. My mis-spellings in this post may be proof of that. I mis-spell because I may not have the smarts to spell correctly. I don't really give a crap because of the years that I spent learning what really matters.
I learned that while the sterotypes of my earlier school years carried on to college years, there was so much more to life than that (thank God)! I was fortunate enough to have learned that everyone brings something to the table, however great or small, that can be processed and carried along for times when it was needed.
For example, I cannot tell you how many times that those short years have crossed my mind, eased my mind, and put things into perspective in my mind.
I won't lie. I miss college. I miss those friends, and I miss those experiences. But just as much as that I can't wait to see what's around the bend. If those years, those times, and those friends taught me nothing more, it was that life is about recognizing that your not alone, you can find the greatest treasures from what some see as trash, and you can take what you have learned and build upon it a philosophy that can last a lifetime.
As my hippier friends from those years would say..."Peace, Love, and promote the use of condoms!"
reminiscing really warms the heart sometimes, doesn't it?
I agree. Back then I was grumbling about how much I had to work. Even though I loved to shop there were days that I hated retail. Hated it. After I graduated and started working in my chosen non-retail field, I was meeting people who had never ever worked a day in their life EVER. Daddy had paid for everything. I realized I learned alot about HOW to work during those years. Even though schoolastically it's not taught.
(And I had a ton of fun with lots of friends along the way!)
Great post.
i have to say, the few friends i remained in contact w/ i wouldnt give up for anything - however i WOULD totally do things totally differently if i could go back
thanks for stopping by my blog
I think most of the friends that I have right now know only about 1/4 of anything about me. From time to time I share a few things, but also I know from experience that some skeletons are best left buried in the closet.
Thanks to all for the replies.
Man I can't wait till the day I can say "I miss college"
I am on my 6th year..though I have had a year off and a couple mini breaks in between. I too have learned a lot in my college years and none of it was in class.
Sometime I wish I did it like my friends and graduated in four years but, right now, I don't regret it because I HAVE learned so much.
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