What I am Thankful For

Yes, it's time to reflect and see what we're thankful for. We look back over the past year, or years, and concentrate on the things that have come to pass to bring us joy.
Well I submit that this year I want to focus on what has not brought me joy. As pessimistic as it may sound, I want to proclaim what I am not thankful for. Of course your intrigued...
I'm not thankful to the people that have wronged me. They may or may not have done these things on purpose, but I'm not thankful that they did them.
I'm not thankful of the years that I've wasted on fruitless adventures that resulted in my demise.
I'm not thankful of the decisions I've made since the time that I knew that I could make them.
And I am not thankful that I have so many things that I am not thankful for.
I am thankful that I've had the experience. Of all the failures, decisions, adventures and people that I've come across, they have helped me be what I am today. I'm sure that it may seem that I am bitter, but I'm not. In fact...I'm proud.
If the people, places and things in my life had not taken place when, where and for the reason that they did...I may not be me. And to be honest...I like me. If I knew I could save fears and tears over the years without those things that I'm not thankful for, then I believe that I'd put myself through it all to be where I am at.
So... My Thanksgiving statement is this...
I am thankful for my life. I am thankful of the life that I helped to create. And I am thankful of the life experience that I've been given to help others who feel that they truly have nothing to be thankful for.
Peace! And Happy Thanksgiving!