Here's what I think about it!

This blog site is a virtual upchuck of misc. stuff. Poetry, what I'm thinking about and what you think about it. It's new, but enjoy all the same.

Friday, July 28, 2006

A Dark Place!


Who cares about when...let's just say that it was.

What had built up for months, maybe even years, presented itself in one small day.

Cold, Heavy, Feirce, Dark, Full!

The build, the assistance, the try, the might, the will, the cry, the feel, the fall, the will to try to fall again, the pull against the grain, the will, the try, the might, the I will...the I did again.

The knowledge that if things seem dark one had to acknowlege the light.

**** This is one of those 3rd party writing things that I do from time to time. If you don't know what I mean go back two posts and read "About that previous "Maybe" post.... " ****

Friday, July 21, 2006

Wine or water?

So I have taken up a new hobby lately. Wine. Not the drink till you puke kind, but I am actually in a studying mode. I do this type of thing from time to time. I am sparked by something and decide, "I want to study on this". Wine is it for now.

Alcohol is not new to me, but my interest in something new and refreshing is being peaked. I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express, yet I feel smarter by expirementing.

So far I've tried 3 types of whites, and three types of red. I've researched each to examine and document what I like the most, and the least.

Not real sure why yet.

Wine seems to me more a study of life than it is seeing what type of alcohol I like best. You go through it wandering how and where it was born, what cultivated it, what tricks Mother Nature contributed to it, what process was it harvested, what care was taken making it, what matter was it stored in, what attention was given to choose the right time to bottle, how it is stored after it is bottled and for how long, who purchases it, why, when, and what the occasion for opening it, how long to let it chill, how to open it, how long to let it breathe, how to smell, snort and sip it...and most importantly...enjoy it.

I'm finding that the best part of this new frontier is discovery. I'm exploring options that I didn't realize were as satisfying as what the rebel in me would have thought.

Who doesn't want the finer things in life?

Is happiness in life wine?...Let's see...

Where was it born, what cultivated it, what tricks Mother Nature contributed to it, what process was it harvested, what care was taken making it, what matter was it stored in, what attention was given to choose the right time to bottle, how it is stored after it is bottled and for how long, who purchases it, why, when, and what the occasion for opening it, how long to let it chill, how to open it, how long to let it breathe, how to smell, snort and sip it...and most importantly...enjoy it.

Excuse me while I take another sip!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

About that previous "Maybe" post....

The previous post was actually written in response to something I saw on another blog. I often step outside of myself and do some third party writing by putting myself in someone else's shoes, or for a better word, mind.
It's kind of a weird thing, and has been frightening at times, but it started when I learned that I had an ability as a child to be so engrossed in music that I was listening to that I started to hear subtleties that were in the arrangements. While not taking that very seriously, it grew from being engrossed to entranced. Somewhat being a medium enslaved to the music. That graduated to an intense 10 minute trance that I had in college (partially induced by copious amounts of THC).
So then it went to writing. I’ve written several things that I had no idea what I was writing about until it was complete. Again, it’s like being a medium of sorts. I’ve had a few that were brought on by what I believe are spirits trying to tell their story. Sounds creepy, but I don’t mind it. I’ve only written a few that I looked back and thought. “Damn, that’s some twisted stuff”. It’s a good release sometimes and gives me some insight into other peoples lives and to be honest, has made me a more understanding person.
So, the next time I post something that I wrote, but was written 3rd party, I’ll be sure and state that.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Maybe! Discuss amongst yourselves!

Maybe is the story of my life. Of course if you break down "maybe", it is defined (in short) as "uncertainty" in one form, and "perhaps" in the other form.

Be honest! Who wouldn't really like to say this all of the time.

Maybe you'll meet someone along the way that is just right for you!?! contrast you could say...

Maybe you'll meet someone along the way that is just right for you!?!

Discuss amongst yourselves!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Trusted One!

For as long as I can remember, I think I have been tagged. Tagged as the trusted one. I remember, even in elementary school that people would come to me and trust me with things. All kinds of things. Family secrets, important papers, close and personal, confidential, highly classified (even in 5th grade) information. At times throughout the years, I could have felt uncomfortable about this, but most of the time I embraced it.
There is one incident that is indicative of what I have experienced in this field of life. Here goes...
I was in my senior year at high school and was in a class (and actually got credits for) that was some-what of an elite singing group of 30 or so very talented people (how the hell I got in I'll never know)...(and ya...I've been known to carry a tune). When we weren't rehearsing the school year's musical or preparing for the massive Christmas musical tour, we pretty much sat around and did nothing. Pretty sweet! It was like chillin' in the lunch room except in a huge auditorium with no food.

While I had a few friends in the class, I happened to be sitting by myself that day and was probably contemplating the meaning of life or some crap, when I noticed this girl that I admittedly had a crush on, balling her eyes out. Within minutes of that whole outburst the whole red alert girl brigade made a B-line to her to console the inconsolable hottie. I observed (cause that’s what I do) this for about 5 minutes, and decided that I had enough. I jumped out of my seat, and walked right over to her and the whole brigade, and stopped them in mid-consolation and looked at her in her bloodshot, saturated eyes and said, “Look I know we hardly know each other but I can’t sit here and watch you cry when I know I can probably help you quicker and better than these “friends” of yours so, if you want to come and talk…I’ll be on the stage.”. I turned around and walked toward the stage (laughing that had just pissed off the 6 strong consolation brigade) and parked it.

Within 30 seconds of getting comfortable, she astonished the brigade by ditching them and came straight to me. It’s a good thing that I aint a betting man, cause I would have placed $100 on her walking up to me and cussing me out for what I said to her friends, but instead she literally told me her life story and explained why she was distraught. Within 5 minutes of me telling her what she really needed to hear, we became instant friends (and almost lovers).

That’s the story of my life. Somehow I have become an ambassador of trust. Perhaps another time I’ll write other references to my being the poster child for the Trustee of all Trustees, but for now, I’ll just end by saying that I can’t help but think that we all exist for a reason. If my reason is to be one that is trusted and to help people that I feel are genuine in needing it, then I will continue. I still say it sucks bein a Libra.