I've been single for a while. Too long perhaps. But now that I have accomplished the things that I said I wanted to before dating again, I still wonder if I am ready.
With my history of past relationships / marriages, I have my reasons for doubt. I told myself that before I dated again I would:
1) Become debt free and have a new and un-familiar feeling of financial security.
2) Realize and confront past regrets and mistakes.
3) Finally learn the difference in what I want, and what I need.
4) Try to balance all of the above. (balance being the whole Libra issue that I have)
All these things have come to fruition, but...
If it happened tomorrow, would I be ready.
I constantly ask myself this question. If I was in line at the grocery store, at the right place at the right time...Could I pull off what I'd need to to spark up a conversation that could lead to anything?
I know that deep down...I do possess this because I have done this before. More times than I can count. Wanna know how I know? Here's an example...
While strolling through used car lots one day, hoping to find a better POS than what I have already, I came across a small lot that I have passed hundreds of times on my way home from work. I stopped in, glancing at a used "and pretty sweet I might add"
vehicle that I could afford without robbing the dealership itself. When I got out of my car, I was met by the typical "non-chalant", "I don't care if you buy or not" salesman who, after expressing what I was looking for, directed me inside the abode that was "the office". As soon as I walked in, I completly lost track of what could have been his only sale for that day, and was smitten. Smitten I say! Smitten with a lovely woman behind the desk.
As he rambled on and on about money and stuff (like I cared), I could not keep my eyes off of this girl. I suppose I nodded, said "ya...I'll get back to you". I kept glancing, and finally caught the beautiful eyes of this woman as she looked up from that shy and coy stance that women do. Smitten I say!
The incredible urge I had to buy the car went away when he told me that she was the taker of money and that (jokingly said) "She would be the one to call you if the payment was late". However I pulled out of my sleeve one of the classic cheesy lines I have ever given (yet made a huge impression), "Anything to get her to call me"!
Oh Yah. My foot was in the door. She blushed, and I think at that point I made an excuse to "buy another day". But what happened next reminded me of my early days of wooing. I did something few people would have done unless they were being directed on Cheesywood's next biggest chick-flick. I went straight home (in my POS car), and called the number on the business card (which I really only got so I could get the number of the place to call her if I wanted to),and said...
(as the second girl answered the phone that I had no interest in)
Me: Yes, I stopped by a little bit ago and was looking around at a few cars and I...um...I was wondering if I might speak to... um...are you the girl that was on the left desk or the right desk?
Her: I was the girl on the left!
Me: Um.....could I speak to the girl that collects the money?
Her: (laughing) Ya...she's right here.
Me: Thank you..
It Girl: Hello?
Me: Hi!
It Girl: hello
Me: Um..look, I know this may sound really weird, but I was just in to look at a few cars, and as I came in the office, I couldn't help but notice that you had the most incredible smile that I have ever seen. (which was true..no Line..really)
It Girl: Oh my God!...Um...thank you...I do believe that's the first compliment I've heard in a long time"
Me: You deserve it! Look please don't think I'm nuts, and this may sound crazy, but I have to ask...are you seeing anyone?"
It Girl: Well, sort of...we've been back and forth for a few months, and I don't really know where we're at right now...but yah!.
Me: Sorry to hear that. Well, I couldn't help but call...and I've never done this before, but, would it bother you if I were to call you back sometime?
It Girl: No, In fact, call me back in a few months. Maybe something would have changed by then.
Me: I just may do that!
It Girl: I have to tell you...you've made my day!
Me: Good! Thank you "it girl", It's been a pleasure.
It Girl: It has!...Bye!
Me: Bye!
And that was it!
If I can get that far...or less...am I ready?